DUCC No-Dues for Employee/Student(s)

(In case of any issues, kindly drop a mail at manish@ducc.du.ac.in along with the screen-shot)

1. Signup/Registration

New user is requested to click signup for registration purpose.

During registration process, system will send an OTP after click of 'Send OTP' button to the user's registered email (as provided by them during sign-up). As the OTP is valid for 10 min only, a user is therefore advised to keep their email open before sign-up in a new tab/window of the browser.

In case OTP is not received in inbox folder of email, a user is suggested to kindly check their spam folder as well. A maximum of 4 attempts are allowed to resend OTP. For any issue or technical support, please fill the Contact form.

2. Login

After successful registration, registered users are allowed to Login into the system.

3. Apply for No-dues

After successful login, a user is allowed to apply for No-dues to Delhi University Computer Centre (DUCC). Further, a user is permitted to submit only one No-dues form, unless and untill the same is not rejected by DUCC.

For Employee:

An employee is supposed to upload a soft copy of document in support of No-dues (For e.g. University Notification/Application etc. in jpg/jpeg format of size less than than 200 Kb).

For Student:

A student is supposed to upload soft copy of - (i) a passport-size photograph, and (ii) a University ID Card. Permissible maximum size of each file is less than 200 kb (which should be in jpg/jpeg format only).

In case of any change in No-dues application status, such as - approved/ rejected, the same shall be notified to the user through email. If approved, the user shall be notified through email along with a link by click of which a user shall be able to view/ print /download soft copy of No-dues certificate.